Week 46 - P2P - Not Quite
Distance: 3,578.0 kms in 46 weeks at ave 77.8 kms ( down from 78.4 at week 45)
Last week: 50.9 kms
Altitude: 88,672 metres in 46 weeks at ave 1,928 metres ( down from 1,949 metres at week 45)
Last week: 980 metres
A week highlighted ( may be) by the running of the annual Point to Pinnacle run from Hobart's Wrest Point Casino to the top of Mt Wellington.
Low light was the race was changed to an out and back due to weather conditions on the mountain. Apparently low cloud, severe rain, high winds & a wind chill temp of -10 is enough for the race directors and the police to turn the race at half way.
Good news is we still had a half marathon to run. With just under 600 metres of up hill, it changed the race as most would not have trained for a 10 kms down hill finish.
Still a good number of entrants turned up from the 3000 entries. I think about 200 no shows is pretty good considering conditions on the day were fairly miserable, rain/showers all day, cool but little wind at sea level.
I finished 545th out of about 1400 in the running section. About the same number of walkers also competed. In my age group, veteran's male, not sure where this started, I finished 86th. But, in the over 60's, I was 7th male. Happy with that, I'm not a road runner & would have preferred an all the way up hill.
Figures for the week low as there were 2 lay days before the Sunday run. Ran every day after, first couple were slow, but last two were relaxed & comfortable.
Feeling good now, a 15 minute relax in the river on Monday was terrific.
I'll plan on doing an ultra in Feb next year ( 101 kms trail with hills). Build base until Christmas, then go full on in January & early Feb. It's a very scenic coastal run in NW Tasmania.
How were your quads after 10k of downhill? I was shattered after 3 at Majura. Anyway, well done on the run and place. BTW, Jen has noticed she has one of these dodgy Garmins that don't register short hill repeats so is cranky when I beat her on the SG vert weekly leaderboard :-)
Ewen, At
November 19, 2016 at 1:19 PM
Quads were a bit tender for a day or so Ewen. Must have been the hard surface as not usually a problem after down hill on trails.
Jen is after every excuse when she doesn't win. Better check this week's vert totals.
Two Fruits, At
November 19, 2016 at 5:13 PM
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