Monday 8th January 2007
Time 2hrs 20 mins
Distance 24.7 km
Pace 5:16 mpk
Weather: windy, smokey haze, no humidity, sunny, temp 20-25 degrees
To get use to running on grass , ran 12 x 1.65km circuits of the playing fields, walked 1 drinking at slow pace plus 3 half laps and 4 around the grass running track. Started off at 5:00mpk and slowed down to around 5:20mpk which will all be too fast over 100km. Average pace should be well over 6mpk. Good solid day, very enjoyable.
Wow - 2hr 20min at Calwell! Hope you reversed direction every 30 minutes.
A bit of passive smoking from the Mexican's bushfires though.
Ewen, At
January 8, 2007 at 3:44 PM
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