Friday Jog
Distance: 12.55 km
Time: 72' 51"
Rate: 5' 48" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 16 degrees, humidity 40%, wind from north at 20 kmph
Week: 61.75 km
Sept: 272.0 km
Year: 3169.15 km
Nice day to get out today taking it easy with a long run tomorrow. Stayed close to the river and spent 10 minutes standing in the water before going back to work. Seemed to have picked up a sore ankle after yesterday's fast session, so I took it easy today in a different pair of shoes.
I also had lunch before going out today to test speedygeoff's theory of not eating before running. A sound theory that doesn't fit into ultra running, where the two main reasons for DNFs are feet problems (blisters) and a digestive system that packs it in. The best idea is to keep the stomach reasonably full so the digestive process is accustomed to processing food while you keep on moving. I have never had a problem but I have seen the results when food is no longer tolerated. It is not pleasant. No problems today.
Did I sat that? You have to eat sometime before you run. If I were racing hard, a race of anything up to about three hours, I would time it so that the stomach was empty just before the start. But longer, yes, the ability to digest on the run would have to be developed, so thank goodness I don't race that far.
Just when you eat to achieve an empty stomach/a nourished body would be subject to individual trial and error. For me I eat as early as five hours before a race; when young I started at two hours and over the years pushed that back thru three, four, to five. So If I were running a 9am half marathon I would now make sure I have breakfast at 4am.
By speedygeoff, At September 22, 2007 at 10:42 AM
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