Week 47 - Reversing the Trend
Distance: 3,668.4 kms in 47 weeks at ave 78.05 km ( up from 77.8 kms in weeks 46)
Last week: 90.4 kms
Altitude: 91,805 metres in 47 weeks at ave 1,953 metres ( up from 1,928 metres in week 46)
Last week: 3,133 metres
As the year draws to a close, it's getting harder to move the averages.
I have been chasing a target of 100,000 metres of altitude gain in this year. A couple of good elevation runs in the past 7 days have moved the vert average up a bit. Getting that back above 2,000 metres is dreaming.
Today's run was only 18.7 kms but I got almost 1,100 metres out of it doing a double over a hill behind Glenorchy ( northern Hobart suburb).
For a change, it was all fire trail. However, some was rocky & steep & slow going. It was good fun and a course I will do again. It's only a 5 minute drive from home. I wouldn't run there as it's all bike path and road.
The vert challenge is there to be met. Just need a few weeks of nice weather. Not hopeful, as we can't get more than a day or so of reasonable conditions in a row.
You need to get on Strava and join the monthly vert challenges. Good fun.
Ewen, At
December 1, 2016 at 12:40 PM
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