Changing Plans on the Run
Distance: 26.75km
Time: 2hrs 33mins 9 secs
Rate: 5'43" per km
Weather: cool,cloudy,NW wind 16kmph,humidity 85%
Week & July:
Distance: 89.3km
Running days: 5/7
Ave: 17.86km per run day
Distance: 2184.4km
Running days: 119/188
Ave: 18.35km per run day
Today was a day of changing plans on the run. Started out late, just before midday after going to the club after work (midnight) with fellow bus drivers to celebrate changing work rosters. Set out with the intention of going towards Wanniassa Hills and Isaacs Ridge to get a few hills in with Kangaroo Valley KOM on next weekend. I had gone about 3 km when the cold wind hit with showers, so decided to return home to get gloves and rain jacket.
I had almost reached home when the showers stopped,the wind dropped and the temp went up a couple of degrees, so changed plans and went up thru Bonython and over to Pine Is. The wind was only light and conditions were fairly good for running with little sun, soft tracks with the sound of rushing water over rapids in the river.
Made my way along the river track to Point Hut and decided to head over to Tuggie Hill. Changed my mind again so instead of going Conder side and over the ridge adding too much distance to the run, went Theodore side up the gully to the top reservoir, down the short side and over to the sub station. Back on track, so to speak, returned home via the drain, Calwell oval, past the shops and up Johnson Dr. The plans changed several times today but the original plan was to do a hilly run between 25 and 28km. Can't get much closer than to split that gap in two.
Fairly happy with today and the week, biggest week for a long time. No problems at the moment, just getting the time and the inspiration on yucky days to go do it.
Cambrewarra to Kangaroo Valley over Mt Scanzi(32km)next weekend.
Yes, not the best day. Had fun out at Goorooyaroo - some good hills and tracks out there. Only 12k though, so I feel like a bit of a wimp.
Ewen, At
July 7, 2007 at 6:47 PM
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