Two Good Days
Distance: 13.0 km
Time: 67' 35"
Rate: 5' 12" per km
Distance: 16.05 km
Time: 83' 58"
Rate: 5' 14" per km
Week: 29.05 km
August: 360.75 km
Year: 2836.35 km
Weather: both days, sunny, calm, temp about 16 degrees, humidity 50%
Sunday's run was short and easy around the back of Theodore with a few small undulating sections. Today much flatter down by the river with the twisting sandy tracks much more fun than the fire trails. The cooling effect of the cold water after Saturday's run made backing up next day much easier.
In fact, Jane Flemming said at Osaka that the athletes use ice baths after their events to recover so I must be going the right way.
Great to have had a few sunny day getting a bit warmer, a surprise for August but winter is still out there. The river has plenty of cold flowing snow water in it.
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