Woden to Mt Taylor
Distance: 9.5 km
Time: 51' 41"
Rate: 5' 25" per km
Weather: cool, cloudy, temp 10 degrees, humidity 60%, southerly breeze at 15km
Week: 33.25 km
August: 276.05 km
Year: 2751.65 km
I could have titled this story " Time is Tight" after Booker T and the MGs ( nice piece of music if you can remember back that far) or " Quality not Quantity" but neither was quite appropriate. I did have a bit of time to spare to have a shower and eat lunch, and I really would rather do quantity than quality. Too much pressure.
So, lunching at Woden again I decided to go to the top of Mt Taylor on a fairly direct route after getting away from the traffic. Down Callam St, right up Hindmarsh, through the underpass and behind Chifley shops, I hit the slopes of Mt Taylor near the reservoir. The southerly breeze was a bit cool at this stage running into it, but it seemed to drop off as I neared the top. Ran all the way up again similar to last week from Tuggeranong side although the steep parts had me taking very small steps, almost jogging on the spot at times, but I must have been moving as the GPS did not beep at rest.
Made the top in 30'15" for 4.75km, touched the trig and returned the same way, a bit quicker in 21'26".
Another good solid run although I would like a decent distance run during the week, just need the supervisors at work to cooperate.
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