Two Fruits

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Get it done Quickly

Distance: 11.6 km
Time: 57'11"
Rate: 4' 56" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 12 degrees, calm, humidity 70%,

Week: 70.7 km
August: 222.6 km
Year: 2698.2 km

I had to go a little quicker today just to avoid the rain. Light drizzle fell just before I ventured out, so I waited a while and the rain stopped. In fact it changed to a glare requiring sunnies when a little earlier I should have ran holding an umbrella.
A short faster run from work over to Point Hut, back along the river past Pine Is to the top car park and back up the road to the depot.
I was expecting to be a lot slower after weeks now of long slow distance stuff, but in fact I was surprised by how well the run went. I may have a chance on Sunday at the vet's handicap if I play the game right. Don't tell the handicapper. No chance really, but then you can only dream of finishing with less in front of you than behind. Good soild run today.


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