Start of the Hilly Season
Distance: 19.8 km
Time: 1 hr 58 mins 0 secs
Rate: 5' 57" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 23-30 degrees, humidity 20%, wind calm
Week: 45.6 km
Jan & Year: 19.8 km
Today set the example of what will be required to fulfill the dream of the year ahead. A mid week run with a hill or two in readiness for a weekend run with a mountain or two.
Left an hour later than I should, it was warm already at 10:00 am but the humidity was low. A run from home down past Calwell shops and the oval to the track behind the houses of Theodore. Turned left through a gate towards the Monaro hwy and up to the top of a hill behind Ewen's place, I call Theodore Hill, I suppose it has a name, but not listed on any maps I can find.
Down to the sub station, a circuit of Tuggeranong Hill, Theodore side first, up the ridge track at the reservoirs to Conder and back to the sub station. Met Mike Worsley twice on the run on this circuit, too busy to stop to talk. Back home via the oval and shops.
Slow run, very warm but at least it started the year off well.
Today also set the example of what will be required to fulfill MY dream of the year ahead. I didn't bother to run but went and saw "No Country For Old Men" instead. Sadly, that's my movie-body-count quota filled for another year, so I will have to find something else to do next Wednesday.
speedygeoff, At
January 2, 2008 at 5:28 PM
Happy new year Two Fruits!
Good luck in your long campaign to reach the top of Australia. 20k per run should kick it off nice and easily before the hard training starts.
Ewen, At
January 4, 2008 at 5:22 PM
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