Two Fruits

Saturday, October 3, 2009

My Name is Billy, Not Silly

Distance: 18.15 km
Time: 1 hr 42 mins 41 secs
Rate: 5' 39 " per km
Altitude gain: 350 metres
Weather: cloudy, temp 10 degrees, humidity 80%, wind cool SE at 10 kmph
Week: 74.85 km, Oct: 28.9 km, Year: 3358.85 km

After last Saturday's experience, any weather that looks like cold and wet leaves me inside. Last weekend was horrible. During the week the weather has been Ok, but the seven day pattern means the weekends are very average. Rain last night cancelled any plan for an early morning outing. I slept in, then cleaned out some gutters on the roof of the house, full of leaves and mud after the dirty rain and storms.
Mid afternoon, I ventured out towards the hills behind Fadden, under Yamba Dr to Farrer, then back to the Wanniassa Hills to Fadden Pines on Isabella Dr. Conditions Ok, felt good for having a rest day, but then it is the beginning of the tapering week with Fitzroy Falls marathon on next Saturday.


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