Back of a Hill
Distance: 15.05 km
Time: 87' 41"
Rate: 5' 49" per km
Weather: part sun/ cloud, temp 13 degrees, humidity 50%, wind calm
Week: 51.3 km, Sept: 278.85 km, Year: 3243.55 km
Although it is the start of a long taper for FFFTM, the long term need for some hill training meant a return to Urambi. Most running this year since SFT has been slow and flat. That will need to change with some speed thrown in to give the legs a chance to turn over faster on the down hill.
Today I ran the back tracks of Urambi Hill, the track we once or twice used for a long course monthly vet's handicap until the do gooders said it was too hard. So we then used just the front of Urambi Hill, that was also too hard so we dropped the course completely. Great training area, the grassy tracks though lack of use are now rough and getting over grown.
Finished at Pine Is to stand in the river for 12 minutes then headed back to work. Nice day except it could have been 10 degrees warmer. The weekend is not looking too good especially on Saturday for a long run, but then, what has to be done, has to be done. Hope for a fine day Sunday for monthly handicap.
I hope the forecast is wrong as usual - I was looking forward to the Cotter.
By Ewen, At September 25, 2009 at 7:03 PM
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