The Muddy Murrumbidgee River
Distance: 15.35 km
Time: 82' 26"
Rate: 5' 22" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 12 degrees, humidity 60%, strong WNW wind at 25 kmph
Week: 41.85 km, Sept: 75.8 km, Year: 3219.65 km
An easy run home after checking out the fast flowing, muddy Murrumbidgee River. Plenty of rain water on it's way down to Gundagai, Wagga Wagga and eventually reaching the mighty Murray River.
We don't need to keep any, plenty in our dams now nearing 75% full. Or if you are a pessimist, only 25% empty.
Whatever, the grounds are water logged. I just hope that Vanities Crossing is not too high for Saturday's Cotter run. I would hate to get there after 25 kms and then have to turn around and go back. There are no short cuts with a large dam in the middle. A nice fine sunny day will be nice.
Enjoy the Cotter run. For some reason I thought you were doing Glasshouse. See you on the trails soon.
By Jog Blog, At September 7, 2010 at 9:27 AM
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