Only A Week To Go
Distance: 8.1 km
Time: 43' 19"
Rate: 5' 20" per km
Weather: cloudy, cold, air temp 7 degrees, humidity 60%, NW wind 20 kmph reducing apparent temp to 4 degrees.
Week: 25.8 km, August: 228.8 km
Year: 3078.45 km in 34 weeks at ave 90.5 kms
Unlucky ones that run early mornings might have had it a little better than at mid day today. Just plain ugly with a wind that went straight through instead of around.
It was a day for the kangaroos, plenty out and about watching a silly runner go past. Still, the recovery is going well, the energy levels slowly returning. In spite of the weather, actually look forward again to going running. A sure sign all is well.
No wind when one is lying in bed at midday!
By Ewen, At August 27, 2010 at 1:13 PM
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