Electrical Meltdown
Distance: 12.5 km
Time: 71' 23"
Rate: 5' 42" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 22 degrees, humidity 38%, windy WNW at 25 kmph
Week: 12.5 km, Dec: 139.9 km, Year: 4175.00 km
Really windy this morning down this way, at least the rain has gone for a while.
Electrical appliances at home are dropping like flies, all failing at the same time. We have three TV's and 2 of them stopped within a day of each other. At this time of year, there is very little to watch anyway. But, at least one will need to be replaced, a chance to move up with modern technology, might even find one in colour. Not really, I hear remote controls are handy, but make people lazy, no wonder the world is getting bigger.
The fridge is showing signs of it's last days, and the GPS failed a few weeks ago, all will need replacing very soon. We had the freezer fixed a couple of week's ago as well.
Most of these items are now getting on in age, but they should all go at the same time. Nothing that few extra hours at work on a quiet Saturday night won't pay for.
Nice afternoon for an easy recovery run, the one that Rocky should have done last Sunday, not some speed session after a hard day before over the hills. Nice in the sunshine today.
This week or early next will be very disruptive, not sure on getting much done on the running scene. A trip to Tassie for a few days is certain, just don't know when.
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