A Raging River
Distance: 9.0 km
Time: 52' 53"
Rate: 5' 52"
Weather: cloudy, temp 20 degrees, humidity 75%, wind calm
Week: 44.9 km, Dec: 27.8 km, Year: 4062.9 km
I had to explore the Murrumbidgee River to find out how much water was racing down towards South Australia.
I ran over to Bonython then cut through the dog exercise area to the river track at Point Hut. First stoppage was the small concrete crossing to get into Point Hut. I have never seen that covered by water so that stopped me on one side and a man with a small dog on the other side. Turn around. As expected, the track along the river was a mess, long grass on both sides of the track, much of the track close to the river has been washed away, large holes all the way, big enough to house a few dislocated wombats.
Then the water has covered the track at the low point on the sandy corner about half way to the bridge. I had to go rock climbing to get past. The rest of the track was large puddles and lots of mud, wet feet all the way.
The water level at Pine Is main beach is just a couple of metres from the bottom steps, and only half a metre in height. As expected the Pine Is area is closed, the gates into the area were shut as I left to protect stupid people from doing stupid things around a flooded river.
Very spectacular, but I would like to see summer here before the end of summer.
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