Similar To Yesterday
Distance: 12.6 km
Time: 75' 08"
Rate: 5' 57" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 27 degrees, humidity 30%, wind NW at 10 kmph
Week: 25.25 km, Dec: 224.1 km
Year: 4259.2 km in 51 weeks at ave 83.5 km
More about enjoying a very nice day than running with any purpose other than banking a few more kms.
Same area and time as yesterday, same time standing in the river. Twice in two days has helped, but I had to find a quiet area of the river as the school kids had invaded the better main sandy beach area.
Something tomorrow just to add ( junk kms ) to the total, as I need all I can get done as the pressure will be on in January & early February before Centennial Park. Note to self, enter over Christmas break.
Plan for the next couple of weeks being worked out with the traditional Mt Rob Roy run on Tuesday 28th Dec ( Boxing Day P/H), a Cotter run on New Year's day & the first of the Mt Taylor circuits on Monday 3rd Jan. All start at 7 am.
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