Two Fruits

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dire Straits

Distance: 6.75 km
Time: 35' 39"
Rate: 5' 17" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 20 degrees, humidity 40%, wind calm
Week: 25.05 km, Feb: 171.6 km, Year: 610.25 km

The weather forecast for Sydney on Sunday is near perfect, sunny, temp range 21-30 degrees, humidity at 9 am at 78% down to 63% at 3 pm, wind light from north /north west all day.
Easy run today down to Pine Is, a few laps around the top car park, then back to the beach for 25 minutes in the river. Bit of a surprise was the amount of water still flowing down stream. There must have been plenty up in the mountains, the water level was higher than normal.
The water temperature has dropped a few degrees, it is noticeably cooler, so a bigger benefit. Very nice just standing and splashing about.
On the radio this morning, the first song I heard played was by Dire Straits, Romeo & Juliet, one of my favourites. Apparently the song never charted in Australia on it's release, don't understand why, it's very good.
Last song I heard tonight was also by Mark Knopfler, this time the instrumental, Going Home.
Should you attend my funeral one day, you will hear this played again, it's on the wish list.
But you probably won't be there, I will out live you all, that's the plan as I have to beat my Auntie's age of 92 years on her departure. Good luck !!


  • I remember that Dire Straits tune from the mid-80s. I was living in Sydney at the time.

    Sounds perfect for the CP100. Great chance for a PB. Hope you're feeling strong at the 70k mark. Say "g'day" to Plu for me - he's running the 50.

    By Blogger Ewen, At February 24, 2011 at 5:07 PM  

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