Cotter plus Mt McDonald
Distance: 30.85 km
Time: 3 hrs 14 mins 42 secs
Rate: 6' 18" per km
Altitude gain/loss: 700 metres
Weather: cloudy, mild, temp range 18-21 degrees, humidity 99% down to 75%, wind calm
Week: 78.65 km, Feb: 110.3 km, Year: 548.95 km
Cotter run No 151 with the company of Robbie, Nick, Alvin & Softshoe. A cloudy and very humid morning after rain yesterday afternoon. Conditions were Ok for running but we ( I ) stuffed up the direction we were to go.
Parked the cars and ran back on to the road and turned left heading towards Pierces settlement. Wrong ! Plan was to go normal way up the road to the top of Mt McDonald first. But we decided to keep going, past the settlement, down to Vanities where the water was flowing very fast, well over the top of the wall.
Onwards and upwards to the relay change over, DS8 at the BC, back to the 21 mile track, and on towards Padovans Crossing. Water has gone now from over flowing the trail but the damage on Clift Road is big, the road has washed away, the concrete drain pipe have moved. I would expect this will be a long time to be repaired.
Up Bullocks to jelly legs corner, Nick kept going, the rest of us went down jelly legs track, then turned up the back trail to the top of Mt McDonald.
This was exactly what Robbie needed for Six Foot Track, a long up hill after 25 kms, similar to the Mini saddle or the climb to the pluviometer. He made it, but it had taken it's toll, not as fast as expected down the road to the finish.
We stopped for blackberries before climbing up the mountain, may be Robbie should have had a couple more. Very nice, delicious, may a good growing season with plenty of rain during recent months. There is only this 2 week period when they are at their best, better be quick.
We finished close together to find an off road bike event on, plenty of competitors having fun as they came through the car park.
Last run of any distance before CP 100 km ultra in 2 weeks, an easy 20 kms next Saturday plus a coffee with Ewen & Co afterwards, if we know where & when they are going to partake.
It's the last chance until spring.
Thanks to the guys for their company today, it was a good one. Ten minutes in the river afterwards to cool off, really nice as well.
Now that's an evil ascent of Mt McDonald.
Leaning towards the WM for coffee 10.45 to 11ish. Might be driving there from Stromlo. Not sure yet. I suspect both CJ and Strewth are running 32k again.
Ewen, At
February 13, 2011 at 4:42 PM
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