And Half a Turn
Distance: 8.85 km
Time: 46' 58"
Rate: 5' 18" per km
Weather: part sun/cloud, temp 19 degrees, humidity 50%, wind calm
Week: 15.15 km, March: 32.95 km, Year: 751.9 km
Mrs Muscles will be grumpy, she needs big hug and some one's shoulder to cry on, please help !!
I found the half marathon turn sign today behind the Derwent Entertainment Centre as I went out towards Montrose bay picnic area and back.
The pace was better as it was all flat. Nothing special today, but was nice to back running for 2 days in a row.
Mrs TF is trying to find the floor in her mother's bedroom, it's under everything, it was there few years ago.
She is also going to visit some aged care places on Monday, mother-in-law at age 88 needs full time care, but needs someone to do the ground work to find a suitable facility.
At least all I do is drive, or don't go, and run instead. It would be nice to have a warm sunny day, it was cold last night.
We have booked to return to the big island on a day sailing on Monday 2nd May. If not, there are no vacancies for car and caravan until 16th June. The Tasmanian "grey nomads" leave in droves to escape winter after Easter.
Would like to help but might leave that to Strewth as I'm not game to go near CJ until her grumpiness subsides. And we all know that will take some time!
A tad cool here too, so you're not alone.
By Ewen, At March 26, 2011 at 5:49 PM
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