Two Fruits

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Post Race

Running = Nil

A couple of days later, and reality hits. The run day is over, the result below par, but that can't be changed.
What went wrong, and what went right ?
Right, I managed to cover 94 kms in less than half a day. I've recovery well, no problems just the usual lack of interest in putting the running shoes on again for a while.
Wrong, trying to cram too much in to too little spare time over the past 3-4 months. Not enough good solid long running mid week, leading to some less than optimal weekly distances.
The past few months have been quite hectic and I think the running suffered due to so many other things happening. I think stronger would have helped handle the conditions on the day.
There is still so much to get ready for our holiday, the notice board is still full of " to do" or " to buy" and not much time left. Some things will have to wait, except important lunch dates.


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