Nearly Down
Distance: 10.4 km
Time: 54' 32"
Rate: 5' 14"
Weather: sunny, nice day, temp 18 degrees, humidity 28%, wind west 13 kmph
Week: 10.4 km, May: 42.25 km, Year: 988.75km
As I wrote last time, we were driving back to the van park near Williamtown/Newcastle airport when 4 fighter jets were about to land. Our small camera was lucky to get a picture which Mrs TF then edited to get this image of the plane with it's legs down and nicely positioned between the power lines.
Most days you will see cars parked at the end of the runway waiting for the planes to fly overhead as they land. Absolutely amazing up close.
Today another nice day, wind has dropped but it's still cool overnight, down to 3 degrees inside the van early this morning.
Ran out the road again today, not as far, and a little quicker. A flat road, easy to stay away from the cars.
Probably won't run again for a couple of days, on the move again on Tuesday. Hoping to find somewhere nearer the sea during this week. We need to be in Coffs Harbour on Monday week.
18C is more like it. Coffs should be even better. Mrs Muscles was on her best behaviour yesterday. I didn't get kicked in the shins once!
By Ewen, At May 15, 2011 at 8:30 PM
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