Second is Sometimes Better
Distance: 12.75 km
Time: 74" 36"
Rate: 5' 51" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp18 degrees, humidity 70%, wind NW 10 kmph
Week: 56.9 km, April: 165.45 km, Year: 946.5 km
We visited my auntie at Port Sorell on Saturday as we always do when in Tassie. She is my mum's sister, and is 89 years old later this year, lives by herself and has recently passed a test to continue driving her car for another year. Not allowed to drive into Devonport, but doesn't go there anyway.
I needed to get a run in so took the gear and ran from Port Sorell to Hawley beach and on to the Carbunkle Is and back.
Nice afternoon, a wedding was about to start on the beach, the bride and the rest of the party looked good.
Not as good as the royal wedding, just a Harley Davidson for transport, may be a few beers in the back of a couple of cars, but I'm sure they all enjoyed their big day.
The royal wedding was something special. The bride looked terrific, but the bridesmaid stole the show. Sometimes, being second is best. I wonder if Pippa will be my Facebook friend, I'll second off a request.
There is a FB page with thousands of hits about her backside, I was very impressed as well.
About to pack up the van ready for an early start tomorrow for a day sail across Bass Strait. It's calm out there today.
Yes, Ewen fell in love with the bridesmaid too. They were both (Kate and Pippa) slim, elegant, beautiful and stunning! Wonder if they run??
By strewth, At May 1, 2011 at 10:39 PM
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