Last Day at Hervey Bay
Distance: 12.25 km
Time: 63' 55"
Rate: 5' 13" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 21 degrees, humidity 35%, wind light SE 10 kmph
Week: 53.55 km, July: 93.9 km, Year: 1325.15 km
We leave here tomorrow to get to Caboolture by Thursday morning for the 48/24/12 hour runs at the Historical Village. Only assisting as I'm totally not fit enough to enter the 3 hour run, let alone get any more done.
Hervey Bay is a lovely place, this being our 2nd stay during this trip. The town is good, it has all the shops, the weather has been very kind. Unfortunately there are no hills, so the beach has been a perfect place to run.
It's about 4 kms up to Point Vernon rocks from the van park, so an up and back with a swim at the finish is good.
Today the tide was almost full when I ran, so the slow pace was a result of either being in the water to run or on the soft sand. Good training when there are no hills for resistance.
Another near perfect day here, really has been prefect for plain enjoyment running. Of course, other attractions on the sand have made the scenery a pleasure, basically the other users have been really nice. As the only runner on the beach, I only once heard the " Run Forrest Run" call from the sidelines.
Cadel did well at Tour de France, I have been lucky enough to watch nearly all of TV coverage, even if I don't get to sleep until 1:30 am, sleep ins are welcome.
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