Quickie before Coffee
Time: 25' 54"
Rate: 5' 04" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 11 degrees, humidity 65%, wind light east 5 kmph
Week: 37.15 km, Oct: 88.00 km, Year: 1986.8 km
Lunch with Kelley & Elle at noon, so a quick nothing run to fill in time.
As Martin would say, there is no such thing as " junk" miles, they all count.
It was better than siting at work chatting about work.
Company was good, girls talked like girls talk. I couldn't get a word in. A good day.
It's a strange run when you can't get a word in!
Ewen, At
October 5, 2011 at 9:25 PM
It is usually a cigarette rather than a coffee...??
Lawrie, At
October 5, 2011 at 9:33 PM
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