Snakes Alive
Time: 71' 10"
Rate: 5' 37" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 16 degrees, humidity 45%, wind NW 5kmph
Week: 32.05 km, Oct: 82.9 km, Year: 1981.7 km
A nice warm day brings out the wildlife. Today I had to wait for a blue tongue lizard to move, it didn't. I went around.
But I did see, just in time, the back half of an eastern brown snake near Point Hut. Good size, at least a metre long, heading towards the river searching for frogs or lizards, or just to get a drink.
The other nature park users certainly keep your interest along the river tracks. They are my favourite places to run, summer & winter.
Nothing else special to report. Start of the school holidays meant a few kids about enjoying a nice day.
Finished the run with 12 minutes in the river soothing some tired legs. Felt really good as I jogged back to work.
OK, time me thinks to stick to the unsnakey grass of Calwell.
By Ewen, At October 4, 2011 at 9:53 PM
Good idea
By Two Fruits, At October 5, 2011 at 8:56 PM
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