Another Day in Paradise
Morning Run at oval:
Distance: 11.6 km
Time: 53'30
Rate: 4' 37" per km
Weather: sunny,temp 23 degrees, humidity 50%, easterly at 7 kmph
Midday run:
Distance: 11.3 km
Time: 68'48"
Rate: 6' 06" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 25 degrees, humidity 50%, NNE at 15 km
Week: 76.55 km
August: 45.95 km
Year: 3033.4 km
Morning sleep in before a two run day again. The running track is just over a km down the road so a perfect warm up although with the temp at 23 degrees, warming up is not too important.
Vacant possession on the track, just about perfect conditions, so I ran 20 laps in lane 5, plus a lap of cool down before jogging back. Just like home, ran bare feet, changed direction after each 5 laps, easy running at 4' 23" per km.
Wrote blog on yesterday's running while the others were out shopping, then brother and I drove into the city to run on the Esplanade. Heaps of tourists about soaking up the sun, should have stayed there but we went on by and over to a lookout at 110 metres above sea level with a good view over to Green Island and the planes at the airport.
Started to feel the efforts of double up running on the steps up to the lookout, but regained a bit on the way back. Passed by the tourists at the market on the waterfront to complete another wonderful day of running in paradise. Total kms for the day almost 23 in just over 2 hours.
Last run today as an M50, up an age group from tomorrow so it must get easier.
Happy bidet for tomorrow!
That's good - I don't have to "race" you anymore - not that I was ever near enough to race you in the first place.
Ewen, At
August 2, 2008 at 9:13 PM
Happy Birthday in Paradise - what a place to spend it - sounds stunning. Enjoy the day - and enjoy the challenge of your new age group with new PBs to set when you return.
strewth, At
August 3, 2008 at 11:00 AM
Watch out for the others in the Age Group.
That's another challenge.
Friar, At
August 3, 2008 at 11:46 AM
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