Humidity Slows Me Down
Distance: 17.7 km
Time: 95' 53"
Rate: 5' 25" per km
Weather: sunny to start, then cloud, temp 25- 30 degrees, humidity 60%, wind calm
Week: 44.35 km
Feb: 44.35 km
Year: 477.7 km
Heat I can handle, I ran well and enjoyed last Saturday at the Cotter. Today, the morning clouds didn't go away until near midday, just the time for me to run home for lunch. As well, the temp had reached the mid 20's, but the humidity level stayed around 60%. Too high for me. The drier the heat the better.
Similar effort to yesterday with a few detours. Work to Point Hut, up through Gordon to home and then back behind Bonython to start the second half of my massive workload.
Very few people about, all back to school or at work. Nothing to report except a big effort required to get any pace into the legs. No time for a visit to the river today. Work bike ride tomorrow, first for the year. Let's hope for no speckies over the handle bars.
I am also entering the Stromlo Stomp on Sunday tonight, no chance of winning in my age group in the ACT Veterans mountain running championships, too many good ones around. Just for fun, run.
Yeah, 5:25 ks is a crawl. Keep the noise down if you run past Saturday morning - no bitch-slapping words from CJ please.
Ewen, At
February 5, 2009 at 5:55 PM
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