Plan Working Backwards
Distance: 11.65 km
Time: 61' 09"
Rate: 5' 15" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 12 degrees, humidity 65%, wind light NW at 15 kmph
Week: 23.25 km, August: 167.85 km
Year: 2752.75 km in 32 weeks at ave 86.0 km per week
A rest day yesterday, still feeling the residual tiredness from the 24 hour, but getting better. Down to 9 hours of sleep per night, down from over 10 hours last week.
Finally a mild temp this morning so I rode the mountain bike to work and home at night. As well, a run home during my split break for lunch and back to work.
Plan for the rest of the year working backwards. That's not walking backwards, going forwards, working backwards. Lost, so am I ! The main objective is the Deep Space Marathon on Mt Tennent and down to Orroral valley on 22nd November. To get to that start line I plan to run the Three Peaks from Mt Majura on 7th Nov, A Brindabella Classic Fat Ass run on Sat 24th Oct ( in memory of the now lapsed event), the Orroral Valley 30 km run on 18th Oct and the Fitzroy Falls Fire Trail marathon on 10th Oct.
That covers the motivation ( Kelley) to get out and run, a long term plan with a build up to get there. To get to Fitzroy Falls marathon, only 2 months away or 8 training Saturdays, I need to get moving again.
Luckily for me, it's not a case of getting the kms done to run the distance. Now I can concentrate on speed to run a marathon and plenty of hills to run up and down a few mountains all off a big base of running. The weather will slowly warm up over the next few weeks and that will provide an extra incentive to get out in the middle of the day.
This Saturday I plan to run at the Cotter from 7: 30 am with the main group and partake in the brunch with the Cotter runners about 10 am. I will get the 15 mile done and may do the 18 miler if feeling Ok at Padovans. I bet the water at Vanities will be freezing, but what is a little pain ( agony) for 20 metres if the water is over the wall and the rocks.
The weather is forecast to be Ok so Liz, if you want to run some where different, join in.
Thanks for the invitation but I will be interstate. Enjoy!
Jog Blog, At
August 13, 2009 at 5:59 PM
I'm waiting for longer days and Molonglo for such early starts.
Ewen, At
August 13, 2009 at 7:04 PM
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