Boxing Day
Distance: 14.85 km
Time: 88' 27"
Rate: 5' 57" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 23 degrees, humidity 70%, wind North at 15 kmph
Week: 14.85 km, Dec: 244.75 km, Year: 4279.85 km
Nothing much to report on the run, the first half was Ok, then ran out of steam on the way home. Might have been the easy last couple of days or I'm just going through that period of time when it's a struggle. I think I need a massage to get back on track, so to speak.
The curious part is I feel Ok, the head is right but the legs just don't want to roll along as they should. I know I'll come good sooner or later, or very soon the training partners will be leaving me behind, or is that further behind. New Year's resolution, make the first part of the running year a good one, then rest up.
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