Today: Distance: 9.65 km Time: 54' 54" Rate: 5' 48" Weather: sunny, temp 21 degrees, humidity 50%, wind light NW at 15 kmph Week: 9.65 km, March: 42.6 km, Year: 761.55 km. Three days in a row of short distance running, mainly due to being settled for a while and the bad weather has gone for the moment. Lucky we are not in the north of the state, floods have created havoc, the rivers are full. Today, a mixture of the last couple of courses, slow rate due to getting back to the nice narrow track beside the Derwent river behind the racecourse and Entertainment Centre. Stopped to watch the yachts sailing on Montrose Bay, a peaceful and relaxing hour on a nice autumn day. Cut the grass for my brother-in-law this afternoon, because he works weird hours and days. At the chocolate factory, production goes on and on and on. He has another couple of 12 hour days then has 8 days off. But then it's no rest for almost 2 weeks before getting a big break again. Certainly not family friendly work conditions, and wouldn't suit me.
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