Out to the 38 km Mark
Distance: 11.2 km
Time: 57' 30"
Rate: 5' 08" per km
weather; cool, cloudy, temp 15 degrees, humidity 65%, wind southerly at 20 kmph
Week: 11.2 km, April: 26.2 km, Year: 807.25 km
Nothing special, the wind has finally dropped but has swung to the south so is cooler than last few days.
I ran the usual course behind Elwick race track out to the 38 km mark of the marathon, just short of the Granada tavern.
Bit quicker going out with the wind behind, but Ok on the way back. I need to find something different, off road with a hill or two.
Yes, hit the trails - use the Garmin's return to home feature if you do a Ruth and get lost.
By Ewen, At April 4, 2011 at 8:51 PM
Watch it Ewen! Great to read that you're getting back into it Steve and at a good pace too! Looking forward to reading about all your new adventures:)
By strewth, At April 4, 2011 at 10:12 PM
You can't have trained hard enough tonight Strewth, you're still awake and it's so late.
By speedygeoff, At April 4, 2011 at 11:07 PM
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