Strolling Along
Distance: 14.5 km
Time: 72' 52"
Rate: 5' 01" per km
weather; sunny, temp 25 degrees, humidity 50%, wind clam, sea temp 22 degrees
Week: 14.5 km, June: 53.15 km, Year: 1168.45 km
Another run along the beach, there are no hills at all around here. Best day we have had since being on the road. Finished with a swim in the bay, no waves as the beach is protected by Fraser Is.
Last day in Hervey Bay tomorrow, heading north for warmer conditions, a cool southerly expected later this week.
Define "cool southerly"?? It's been minus 4 here overnight. That's (too!) cool. Brrrr .....
By Jog Blog, At June 7, 2011 at 8:10 PM
Agree with Jog B - it was cold enough to freeze the walls off a bark humpy (as they say), and worse forecast for tomorrow. Enjoy while you can!
By Lawrie, At June 7, 2011 at 9:17 PM
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