Hervey Bay
Distance: 9.8 km
Time: 50' 08"
Rate: 5' 07" per km
Weather: sunny, cool, temp 20 degrees, humidity 65%, wind calm
Week: 23.85 km, June: 16.1 km. Year: 1131.4 km
The red line shows where I went. I started at the van park, down to the beach and out towards Scarness. The extra loop shows I got lost ! Well not lost, just missed a turn or two.
Never the less, travelling is all about exploring new places and that is one way of doing it.
Late afternoon run, that's why 20 degrees is a little cool. Earlier it was a really nice, warm day. No sign of rain for the next week, all is good.
Thank you Lawrie for reading my blog, nice to know others appreciate my stories.
Hervey Bay is a fabulous spot. Enjoy!
By Jog Blog, At June 3, 2011 at 4:08 PM
You missed the Gold Coast! And I had my meter maid mates lined up to take you for a jog along the dunes!
By Ewen, At June 3, 2011 at 7:43 PM
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