Beware of Horses
Distance: 12.1 km
Time: 64' 05"
Rate: 5' 17" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 21 degrees, humidity 50%, wind east 5 kmph
Week & Aug: 22.3 km, Year: 1368.25 km
The Hendra virus in the horse population is again a problem in SE Qld & northern NSW. We are currently at the Caboolture showgrounds, horses coming in and out every day mainly for dressage training.
There are signs everywhere allerting visitors to be carefull. Market stall holders over the weekends are not allowed in many parts of the arena. Fortunately I haven't seen or heard of any bats in the area that may transmit the virus.
I ran around the perimeter of the arena today in near perfect conditions, may be similar to those being experienced back at home. However, conditions here will stay the same, winter is sure to return down south.
Currently I'm working on a plan to get me back here next year, this time to run. It has to be a 12 month plan, even though I'm not sure of the event I will tackle. I will need to find a couple of long races over time not distance.
A 12mth run plan is a good idea. A goal running event in warm Qld is an even better idea. Travel safe.
By Jog Blog, At August 4, 2011 at 8:17 PM
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