On This Day Years Ago
Distance: 10.85 km
Time: 64' 20"
Rate: 5' 55" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 28 degrees, humidity 40%, wind calm
Week: 44.95 km, Jan & Year: 75.1 km
On this day in 1971, I joined the work force in Devonport in Tasmania. Some how, the Bank of New South Wales ( now Westpac ) were seeking new employees, may be I was the only applicant.
That started 18 and a half years of counting money, finishing in 1989.
Today, I do something completely different, still count a few dollars every day, but inside work,outdoors, I love it. It will do me until I hand in the cash bag & the bus keys.
Today, I ran very poorly for some kms at midday.
Some at work said it should have been easier today than in the heat yesterday, but for me, it was tough. Nothing wanted to help with forward movement, the warm temperature under cloud cover & humidity are not my best conditions in which to run. I don't handle it at all well. The same conditions prevailed at Centennial Park 100 km in Sydney in February.
Finished with 45 minutes in the gym, that was a much better session. Then watched Punter & Pup get their centuries at the SCG, well done Aussies.
Humidity is always a factor. Personally though, I think today being a harder run for you was simply a result of cause and effect, - ie, 3 long run days = the need for 1-2 rest days.
About time the AUS cricket team reclaimed some decent performance :)
Jog Blog, At
January 4, 2012 at 9:26 PM
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