The Crowd Should Have Been Shopping
Distance: 8.9 km
Time: 50' 34"
Rate: 5' 41" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 27 degrees, humidity 38%, wind calm
Week: 30.05 km, Dec: 174.25 km
Year: 2966.75 km in 51 weeks at ave 58.17 kms
The beach was loaded by non shoppers. May be they have done it all, or like me, don't shop at all.
A nice day today, ran mid afternoon due to a late start/late finish split shift with lunch well after normal lunch times.
Therefore, it's a graze all day rather than a proper meal time. Good way to eat.
Finished this short run with a good 30 minutes session in the gym.
Next year, these gym sessions will have to make way for more week day's running. Or I become better at time management, and still do it all.
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