Warm & Windy
Distance: 14.25 km
Time: 87' 58"
Rate: 6' 10" per km
Weather: sunny, warm, temp 24 degrees, humidity 30%, wind NW 35 kmph
Week: 31.6 km, Oct: 200.7 km, Year: 3681.7 km
The sun was shining, the temp was warm, but the wind blew.
A nice day to get out and use the conditions as a help with the running, not as a hindrance to be avoided.
I ran from work behind Bonython to the trig on Stranger Hill, then over to Gordon, on to the dog exercise area, along the river track to Pine Is and back to work.
Stopped for 13 minutes standing the cool waters of the river to soothe the legs.
Slow pace indicating the strength of the wind as well as the undulating nature of the trails.
A good outing, but hard work to maintain any pace.
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