Circuit of Tuggie Hill
Distance: 18.8 km
Time: 1 hr 51 mins 35 secs
Rate: 5' 56" per km
Weather: beaut, temp 24 degrees, humidity 25%, wind strong westerly30 kmph
Week & Oct: 72.7 km, Year: 3553.7 km
Sore quads from last couple of days have gone just in time for a longish run from work to Tuggie Hill.
It's not really that hilly but does have a few nasty rises that slow you down. Undulating!!
A prefect day except for the strong westerly that certainly slowed the pace on the way back.
Stopped at Pine Is for 15 minutes in the cool river water to recover, really nice and beneficial.
It's school holidays so the Pine Is reserve area was entertaining the kids. Best to get in and out asap. They are Ok, but tend to take over.
May not run for the next few days as we are travelling north. Next report may be from the Gold Coast.
Love school holidays. It's so quiet on the road. And on the grass track at Calwell :)
Ewen, At
October 5, 2012 at 7:54 PM
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