Week 34 - Racing & Recovery
Distance: 2,935.25 kms in 34 weeks at ave 86.3 kms ( down from 86.5 km at week 32)
Last 2 weeks: 167.05 kms
Altitude: Garmin- 108,947 metres in 34 weeks at ave 3,204 metres ( down from 3,229 metres at week 32)
Last 2 weeks: 5,626 metres
Strava: 111,037 metres
There has been a bit going on in last 2 weeks with a race event in northern Tasmania at Scottsdale last weekend. Advertised at 56 kms, my Garmin measured just under 52 kms with several others recording under 50 kms.
To be fair, there was a bit cut off the advertised distance late to avoid a road crossing. Plus, as the course followed an old railway line, parts were cuttings through huge rock sections. Guess, some may have lost satellite connections. The event was an out and back, so double the loss.
Anyway, a great event through open farmland to start, then a gradual incline through the bush. Nothing too steep, so much of the full distance was running as there were no natural walking parts to assist us old blokes. Time for me was 6 hrs 18 mins, very happy with that as I didn't push the pace and settled towards the back of the pack. Kept the tail end sweep company on the return so we had a chance to talk up coming ultra events.
This week has been fairly easy with running every day but at super slow pace. Went chasing snow today on the mountain trails behind home. Past couple of weeks have been mild for winter with little rain so little new snow. We are expecting more later this week, but winter is coming to an end.
Next race will be at the end of Sept. Australia's southern most marathon down at Cockle Creek. Same event last year was shortened to a half marathon due to very difficult weather conditions. Hopefully, better this year, but timing could well be winter conditions again.
Good job with the ultra and chasing the snow Steve. Wish they'd make a rail trail out of the Hume to Michelago line!
Ewen, At
August 27, 2018 at 4:11 PM
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