Almost a Marathon
Time: 4hrs 28 mins 44 secs
Rate 6'29" per km
Weather: Start time just after 6:30AM, sunny, temp range 21-25 degrees, windy in exposed parts, warm mostly but hotter in calm areas, humidity 20%
Distance: 103.1km
Running days: 5/7
Ave: 20.62 km per run
Distance: 409.25km
Running days: 20/27
Ave: 20.46 km per run
Today was always going to be a tough day with only 2 more difficult Saturdays before starting to ease down to Six Foot Track. Conditions turned out to be better than expected although still a little warm in a couple of exposed parts where there was no wind. Started at our usual place near the lake at Molonglo Reach and around the outside of the golf course to the BBQ area near the War Memorial. That,was the end of the easy bit,5km with no hills.
Up Mt Ainslie with the loop circuit going the back to the powerlines, over to the saddle between Mt Ainslie and Mt Majura, continuing down to the fence line, up past Trent's grave, back to the saddle and on that never ending, exposed roller coaster track,past the pistol club and back for a drink at the War Memorial.Lap distance 12.5km in 82 minutes. Fairly good 1st lap.
Second lap the same but in reverse and I think harder because the roller coaster is more uphill, the run down past Trent's is rocky and tricky and the climb up the back of Mt Ainslie just goes on and on. A surprise was that this lap was only 2 minutes slower than the first with the cooling breeze helping.
Group decision ( or did we just follow John) was a 3rd lap would be shorter to get a run a 40km, so up we went again to the top of Mt Ainslie. Somehow, the three of us managed to run or was it a slow jog, all the way except the steps near the top. Just spread out and too high for me.Followed the road down a bit then off into the bush to pick up the roller coaster track (again) for a short part before going down towards Campbell Park offices and eventually back to the cars.
Time to soak the legs in the water, eat a couple of Mike's home grown peaches before heading home very tired. A very enjoyable run today, hard work but great to be able to do it.
And since then I've been so tired. Had a sleep this afternoon and will go to bed early. No 6km tomorrow.
By CJ, At January 27, 2007 at 8:59 PM
You guys are crazy! I'm glad I found an 11km short-cut, and I was buggered after that. 20 minutes in the river and you still weren't back!
By Ewen, At January 28, 2007 at 11:15 AM
Absolutely stark staring mad!! But I am in total awe!
By strewth, At January 28, 2007 at 9:35 PM
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