A Beautiful day
Time 75mins58 secs
Rate 5:02 mpk
Weather: Beautiful, sunny, calm, low humidity, temp range 22-30 degrees
Weekly total: 76.45km
Monthly total: 161.05km
Running days 8 out of 11
Rate: 20.13kpd
Ran earlier today with the forecast of top temperatue of 38 degrees on a total fire ban day. Today was an easy relaxed run day, bit faster than recovery pace and bit slower than tempo pace, just one of those runs that go with the flow. Speaking of flow, not much water at Pine Is in the Murrumbidgee River with the drought conditions continuing, and what is there is a little brown from recent storms, but it is nice and cool and very refreshing half way through a run. Today ran down Johnson Dr, Woodcock Dr to Point Hut Crossing, follow the river track to Pine Is reserve, stop for a swim and back home on track behind Bonython to Woodcock Dr and Johnson Dr. About as flat as I can get in this area with enough undulations to make it interesting without being hilly. Great day to be out there.
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