Mid Winter
Distance: 15.1 km
Time: 75'52"
Rate: 5'02" per km
Weather: cold, cloudy, temp 6 degrees, humidity 60%, NW wind at 27 kmph
Week: 47.1 km
July: 182.0 km
Year: 2277.1 km
It was a case of necessity to run today with the weather forecast for snow showers overnight and tomorrow. The forecast is snow down to 500 metres above sea level which is lower here in Canberra, my place is at 630 metres.
Not requiring too many winter woollies to run in today, just the usual plus 2 shirts, long sleeve under tank top plus gloves, no beanie needed and a bit of speed( not the drug) to keep warm.
A quick trip down by the river to Point Hut and Pine Is and home again, the cold wind only helping once I turn up Woodcock Dr. Fairly good solid run today after Sunday so that's a pleasing start to the long season ahead.
Also went for medical today for my bus licence, couldn't even get the afternoon off work, so looks like I need to work for another year. Passed, nothing wrong. He did say I had a low pulse rate in line with distance runners. In fact I took a resting rate last night after getting home from work, just sitting in the chair. It was spot on normal for at 43 bpm resting. He did say the lowest he knew of was a marathon runner in USA some time ago had a resting rate at 28 bpm. That is low when average Joe on the street is around 70 bpm.
Whether I run tomorrow will depend on the weather, I am a big sook when I comes to the cold.
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