Run Relaxed
Distance: 16.7 km
Time: 88' 30"
Rate: 5' 17" per km
Weather: sunny, calm to start then light north breeze, temp 13-17 degrees, humidity 50%
Week: 67.15 km
August: 398.85 km
Year: 2874.45 km
Watching and learning from the World Champs in Japan and the one bit of info I have gathered is to run relaxed. Many of the top athletes are so tense that no amount of trying is going to get them to a podium finish. The top ones seem to be in cruise mode even though they are fast, no tightness means no stress, no stress means no injury. Patrick Johnson seemed to be over trying and he didn't seem be be getting anywhere. Jana seemed so relaxed like never before, waving and smiling and running really well. Try it sometime.
Today I went down to the lower slopes of Tuggie Hill and tried to relax and enjoy the day, near perfect conditions. School athletic carnival on at Calwell oval, so good to see the kids having fun.
Thanks for the tip. I'll try that when I hit the deviation on March 8.
You're always relaxed!
By Ewen, At August 30, 2007 at 10:00 PM
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