It Rained
Distance: 11.6 km
Time: 66' 04"
Rate: 5' 41" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 16 degrees, humidity 90%, light drizzle
Week: 72.9 km
October: 243.65 km
Year: 3564.35 km
It was hardly drought breaking, probably lucky to was the dirt off the windscreen of the car, but there was moisture in the air. Not for long and not much, but I did get wet.
Nice and easy again, this time down towards Pine Is and back, as flat as I can get from home. Nothing too exciting to report, but I think the wildlife was happy to get something to drink and wash the dust off.
Ewen, the distance is around 236 km for C2K, so don't make me go more than I will have to, the last 100km will be a plod. Get used to that and don't feel guilty. Good advise received from Martin Fryer (best ultra runner in Aust at present) as to how to get it all done. It is not as difficult as you would think, because there is a point when no more training will be of any assistance.
The main objective is to stay healthy and fit and not go over the edge. Just see how it all develops, plenty to do in the first half of the year.
Congratulations on a fantastic result in the Brindy Classic. All that training paid off! You're now going to train for 236km?? Some people can just never suffer enough! Wow!!
By strewth, At October 25, 2007 at 9:40 PM
Gee, I'm glad it's only 236km! Now you can do some overdistance training runs of 250 to 300km ;)
A good coach there with Martin. Hey, you could run to Molonglo for the Saturday morning 6' session then run home again!
By Ewen, At October 26, 2007 at 5:39 PM
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