Tour de Calwell
Distance: 8.15 km
Time: 47' 23"
Rate: 5' 49" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 22 degrees, humidity 55%, wind from east at 15kmph
Week: 61.3 km
October: 232.05 km
Year: 3552.75 km
Obviously Calwell is not large when you can run around it very easily in less than an hour. A couple of rest days after Brindy, pulled up really well, the usual quad soreness from downhill trashing has gone although I could do with 20 minutes in the cold water just as after the run at the Cotter.
Ran around the outside of the best suburb in Canberra, down Johnson Dr, along Tharwa Dr to Drakeford and up Johnson Dr back home.
Big contrast in weather conditions to the previous few days including Sunday, running conditions very pleasant.
Planning out next year already having received advise from Martin Fryer on how to get through. Looking at peaking now in December 2008 trying to go from sea level to the top of the highest mountain in the country.
Much will depend on how Glasshouse 100 mile goes in Sept, more later. Sad part is he suggests not running Brindy next year.
Wow! That's +250k isn't it? 3 weeks' mileage in one long day!!
You'll be doing double Cotter 21s. Good idea as the track won't be there with the new dam.
By Ewen, At October 24, 2007 at 4:06 PM
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