Friday Jog
Distance: 13.0 km
Time: 69' 25"
Rate: 5' 20" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 15 degrees, humidity 60%, wind calm (almost)
Week: 84.5 km
November: 119.55 km
Year: 3731.85 km
Finally the wind eased, no sun but better than the last few days. Short and easy today, just 13 km on as flat a course as I could find from work. Around the back of Bonython, over to Point Hut, along the river to Pine Is, up to the top car park and back to the beach. Stand in the water, which is slowly rising at last, for 15 minutes, then back to work.
Pouring with rain as I finished work tonight so didn't ride the bike home, not taking any chances to come to grief as there is too much happening until the end of the year. Hopefully tomorrow morning will be sunny and dry for the Two Peaks run.
Do a peak for me... I'm sleeping in!
By Ewen, At November 9, 2007 at 10:39 PM
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