The Wind, It Blew and Blew
Distance: 16.0 km
Time: 98' 24"
Rate: 6' 09" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 18 degrees, humidity 25%, Wind NW at 30-35 kmph
Week: 26.25 km
October: 282.55 km
Year: 3603.25 km
It's that time of the year when you can't get two calm days in a row. I blame the wind for today's average run, but I didn't try very hard. Otherwise it was a nice day and I jogged around, stopped and looked, walked a bit and played around in the water just enjoying myself.
My " au naturale" mate was again out enjoying the day again, obviously doesn't need to work or has flexible working hours.
The boys from work are going out bike riding tomorrow so I might just join them, a bit of cross training when the running is in " easy mode". Split shift, got to fill in a 4 hour break somehow. Track on Thursday night, probably should head to the oval instead. Decisions, decisions, important one's that will decide the future of the world.
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