Woden in Spring
Distance: 10.7 km
Time: 54' 14"
Rate: 5' 04" per km
Weather: cool, temp 15 degrees, cloudy, humidity 50%, wind strong southerly at 30 kmph
Week: 31.75 km
November: 66.8 km
Year: 3679.1 km
Lunch break in Woden today so just enough time for a run. From bus interchange down to Hindmarsh Dr, right turn up to Tuggie Parkway, up track on Oakey Hill used for vet's handicap to electricity sub station. Cross over to vet's other course going down past horse paddocks to Cotter Road. Go past north Curtin oval then follow drain back to Woden town centre.
Pushed for time so tried to push the pace but the southerly wind on the way back did no favours. Still a reasonable run on not much of a day, distance a bit short but the best that was possible.
Lucky it was over 10k. Didn't you say once "I don't get out of bed for less than 10k"? Or was it 20?
I guess you're excused for getting out of the bus for 10.7k.
By Ewen, At November 5, 2007 at 10:27 PM
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