Boom, Crash, Opera..... the works
Distance: 9.2 km
Time: 48' 57"
Rate: 5' 19" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 19 degrees, humidity 95%, light drizzle then heavy rain, wind calm
Week: 83.8 km
December: 105.65 km
Year: 4123.9 km
I thought I would try get get a short run in and soak some tired legs in the cool water before a weather change came through. Just left it a little late to go. The same course as the morning run yesterday, a minute and a half slower, but very easy after last night's track run.
When I left work to start the run, the clouds were high and light, even wore the sunnies because of the brightness. Over to the gravel track behind Bonython and light drizzle started to fall, I thought, this will keep the temperature down. A little while on and it started to get darker, the drizzle a little heavier and then down it came, in buckets.
I had made it to Pine Is beach area with the intention of standing in the water for a while. The sheet lightning and thunder put me off a bit about getting in the water, mind you I was saturated by now. I decided that fork lightning may be a problem, but sheet lightning would not hit the ground. So, there I stood, wet from rain pelting down, a least it was not cold. Anyway, 15 minutes later the water had done the trick and I managed to put back on some very wet clothes and jogged back to work.
The stupid things they said at work was not being wet, but why the sunnies? Must have looked even sillier than normal. At least the shower was nice, almost no point in wasting water.
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