Little Green Insect
Distance: 11.0 km
Time: 58' 08"
Rate: 5' 17" per km
Weather: sunny/part cloud, temp 23 degrees, humidity 40%, westerly wind at 25km
Week: 33.55 km
December: 55.4 km
Year: 4073.65 km
It's a bit of a problem when the run was so average, nothing happened, that the title of the story is about a small, green insect.
I didn't run yesterday as I just did not get the time. A meeting in the city in the middle of a split break, a 12 hour day, then visitors from Tassie at night at home, kept the clocking over and that was the day. As I have said before, treat those days not as a lost opportunity, but a rest, recovery day, a back into the program the next day. A rest day came at the right time as the previous three day in a row were all over 20 kms including Sunday on Mt Tennent.
Today was a chance to get out and enjoy, nothing special just a short one,and a chance to get into the water in the river. This is where the title comes into play. I was taking my shoes off on the sand, when I notice what looks like a small, spotted green beetle very firmly clinging to a shoes lace. I left him there while I cooled off thinking insect would be gone. But no, still holding on. I put shoes on and tied up laces and jogged back to work, about 6 minutes, and insect was still holding on. Took insect inside and showed a few very brave bus drivers, some suggested a size 10 boot would do the job to remove small green beetle.
Anyway, insect finally let go a little bit, we managed to put him out in the shrubs. No one had ever seen this small green beetle before. Probably the species is almost extinct, and I let go a rare and endangered species.
Anyway, made a story out of a no news day. Christmas lunch at work tomorrow. Should be good.
Free beer! That's always good :)
By Ewen, At December 5, 2007 at 5:06 PM
We are not allowed to drink and drive, no beer allowed on the premises.
By Two Fruits, At December 5, 2007 at 9:52 PM
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